Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally home!

Collin is finally home! We brought him home Monday and he is doing great. The only problem we're having is that he likes to sleep all day and stay awake from 10pm to 3am! Thanks to all the sweet nurses that spoiled him and played with him most nights! The boys are so excited to have their baby brother home! He has his first check-up on Tuesday so hopefully he has continued to gain weight since returning home. Thank you again for all the prayers. We are so blessed!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It is Saturday night and we are at the hospital rooming in with Collin. If he does well today and tomorrow, we can bring him home on Monday! Pray that he eats well and gains a few ounces so he can be ready to go. He is now 4lb. 4oz. These are some pics from tonight in the room.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Collin is now 4lb. 1oz. and is doing great! You can see his little personality really showing. He is smiling and is also spoiled ROTTEN already! He is a big boy trapped in a little boy's body so he does not like to be in his incubator now, but because of his small size still has to be in it. But he should come out of it soon since he continues to gain weight. He thinks he has to be held and talked to all the time like any other almost 3 month old. He keeps the nurses busy trying to entertain him! He is eating very well, even at night now so it should not be too much longer before he can come home! We are ready for him!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Praise God Collin is now 3lb 10oz! He has just come out of surgery for a hernia repair and everything went great! Pray that he will recover quickly and be able to come back off of the vent soon. Thank you for all the prayers!